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don't destroy yourself

Throughout high school, I watched people I had known and loved succumb to this evil drug. Crystal turned them from caring, talented, and intelligent people into rage-filled, sneaky monsters and criminals. People that I trusted with my life beforehand became animals that I couldn't even trust with a purse filled with $5 and junk. I beg you not to try meth, because it will ruin your life, no matter how strong or smart you think you are. Meth will lie to you, tell you that it makes you beautiful, brilliant, grand, sexy, and everything else you have ever wanted to be. And then, when you're sufficiently hooked, dope will "dump" you. It will steal away everything it once made you feel, and then rob you of everything and anyone you actually had. For a long time, you won't care and spiral deeper into a black abyss that not everyone escapes. Don't be the intelligent student that ends up a rambling mess that can't read and remember, the gorgeous girl who just wanted to lose a few pounds on meth and ends up a malnourished mess that no one finds attractive, or the funny and likable friend that ends up a stealing, lying, and lonely addict. No drug- especially not crystal- is worth losing who you are and everything you stand for.

This is the website I created dedicated to educating other teens about the dangers of meth.


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